Our Principles


Coaching helps you discover things about yourself – what you want and what you’re capable of.

Sometimes seeing things from a new perspective can be a bit uncomfortable. But when done in the name of support, empathy and belief, it is powerful.

Our beliefs and expectations about our capabilities can sometimes get in the way of us achieving what we’re capable of. Taking ownership of your direction and story is a key to being fulfilled and a sense of accomplishment.

We can’t change the events that happen to us, but we can control how we react Our ongoing quest to know ourselves, to notice how we react and to be prepared to look carefully at our motivations is valuable, and something we can all keep working on.

Sentier Consulting - Our principles
Overcoming biases


Change is hard and you have to fight to shift the inertia. But it’s possible. Accumulating wins builds momentum.

The process of figuring things out, solving problems, is a lifelong quest – that is, we never arrive at the perfect life. It is possible to both appreciate what we have here and now, and to keep striving towards mastery.

The ideas we come up with ourselves are the most likely to succeed – we have more ownership and they fit our unique context.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t advocate for bigger, structural changes where it’s needed; individual responsibility is important but it’s not everything. There are unfair, inequitable and unjust situations, and we should persist with pushing for change. My approach is that it’s possible to find fulfilling ways to work within system, at the same time acknowledging that the system can be improved.


Having something or someone hold us to account is part of the supportive scaffolding we all need to enact the change we want to be.

We are in control of the story we tell ourselves about a situation, and this story can be more powerful than the objective truth, so make sure your story serves you (Mark Manson).

The ideas we come up with ourselves are the most likely to succeed – we have more ownership and they fit our unique context.

Sentier Consulting - Melbourne - Our Principles
Sentier Consulting
You won’t find reasonable (people) on the tops of tall mountains.